Hello Lovely, I’m Adriana!
Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂
My goal is to help boost a woman’s self-esteem so she can look and feel great about herself and showcase her personality in what she wears. Inspiring her self-expression through finding her unique style; cultivating her self-brand; by empowering her through enhancing her personal features; and gaining self-confidence on how to dress and look her best for any occasion in her life.
My desire is to share what I love, what I am passionate about while enabling me to help other women and create a positive impact.
Studied Styling in Milan. Born in Uruguay to Italian parents, raised in Canada and now living in Europe, my multi-cultural, multi-lingual background and world travels have contributed to my passion of personal style.
Show up in life and BE the best version of YOU! Live to your full potential! Be confident and achieve success!
Adriana xx